Saturday, July 26, 2008

Find the Best Free Streaming Music on the Web

Tons of bands are letting bloggers post Mp3 files on their websites. Then, sites like Seeqpod make it easy for users to find and listen to those files.

I just built a swicki that lets a community dig up the best free streaming music. the swicki favors content from music aggregators such or as well as a couple niche music blogs.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Turn Your Blog's RSS Feed into a Newsletter

Just set up feedblitz with my streaming music site, (check it out in the right column). In about 5 minutes, you can turn your blog's RSS feed into an email alert.

I was mostly impressed with how many options I had. I had complete control over design, subscribers, subscribe messages, delivery schedule, and best of all it was all free. Sure, they're going to put a few ads in there, but I think my readers will be able to avoid the ads. For the most part, they don't interfere with the content.

This should be another way to get regular users on my blog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Make Money with Google Knol

Well, Google Knol is finally here, serving up a new way for infopreneurs to make money online and for Google to take even more of their ad revenue.

I wonder how well this will perform as an independent destination. Sure, it should have no problem generating search traffic from, you guessed it, Google, but how many people will go directly to this site to find information. My guess is not many, so it will only get in the way of all of us SEO people, trying to promote our own content within the natural listings.

Still, I'll definitely be writing a few knols, in hopes of linking back to a couple of my sites and swickis. The next question is how soon will I do this. Squidoo's been on my list of article platforms for 6 months now, and I still haven't gotten around to writing anything for them. I've only been active on Hubpages.

For now, I think I'll see a higher ROI with writing for Squidoo and Hubpages, and the launch of Google Knol is only getting in the way of my SEO efforts...for now at least.

For more informatio on making money online, check out some community favorites for making money with hubpages and making money with squidoo.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Snakes on a Search Engine

If Samuel L worked at a custom search company, he would have none of this. Good thing he doesn't, so I went ahead and made a search portal for information, videos, and photos of snakes.

I think the Anaconda pictures are the craziest, but there are some nice feeding videos as well. Another reason not to let these snakes on a plane.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight Deleted Scene - Funny

Hilarious mashup video from a deleted scene from the Dark Knight. The Joker touches all of us. Good thing Batman is here to save us.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Twitter Search is a Great Way to Meet New Virtual Friends

Want to meet people that you'll never actually meet in person? Twitter's new search feature lets you search all conversations that are happening on Twitter. Its a great way to find new people to follow, making better use of this utility.

To get search ideas, check out tweetmeme which surfaces popular conversations and topics of conversations.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Disinclude Tag Pages on Blogs and Get More SEO Traffic

A few days ago, I blocked the tag pages on my music blog from search engines. Why? Each of the tag pages was recording 80+ internal inbound links as opposed to my individual stories that were getting 1-2 inbound links. The tag pages are very dry, so I wanted more SEO traffic to individual stories. Each post on my blog includes streaming music or a music video, so they should generate more repeat and return usage.

I'm already getting direct SEO traffic to my stories now.

Friday, July 11, 2008

AideRSS is Sweeeet ... for the Time Being at Least

Just added the AideRSS widget to my music blog. It aggregates user comments, bookmarks, and votes across wordpress, digg, and delicious. The widget then shows the posts with the most user activity.

This is a nice change of pace from other widgets that show 'most popular' stories, which are really just stories with the most pageviews. As well all know, there often is not much of direct correlation between pageviews and popularity. Heck, one story could just be really popular with SEO, and it would show up at the top of one of these widgets.

Anyways, for the time being, AideRSS is doing the trick. I just hope that more people come and comment on new stories. Otherwise, I'll have the same 5 stories appearing forever.

Try out the widget for yourself at

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Verifying Blogs with Google Webmaster Tools is Easy

I thought it would be hard. I didn't want to tamper with my source code because I'm not a coder. I tried uploading HTML files into file manager, but this didn't work because my HTML files were empty.

EASY ALTERNATIVE: Just drop one line of code below "head" in your source code. This is easier than it sounds:

In wordpress, go to 'design' -> 'theme editor' -> 'header'

In blogger, just go to 'layout' -> 'edit html'

Having done this, I can now verify that this post was crawled :)

Not Overly Excited about Yahoo BOSS

Yes, its very cool that Yahoo is opening up its search feed to developers. Ultimately though they are facing an uphill battle once this feature is out of the novelty phase, for a number of reasons:

-The majority of bloggers and web entrepreneurs are interested in immediate revenue, which this service will not be able to provide as well as other CSE.
-Google already offers a custom search engine with a fully customizable template and fully customizable advertising. Google advertising is also already the most lucrative for web publishers.
-The 'social search' feature, which in my opinion, is the ultimate distinguishing trait, requires widespread adoption of the APIs in order to be effective
-web users (who aren't e-marketingers) are tough to switch over to new web search technologies.

Like many of the other search and discovery novely sites, this may gain some traction with e-marketer/blogger crowd, but in order to be effective, it will need Joe Shmo web user to use the social search feature, which won't happen until bloggers promote their custom search engines, which won't happen until Jo Shmo web user uses the feature, which.... get where I'm going?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008